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Generate Underworld Mission

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Spacegamer.com - Barony Underworld Mission:

This uses the Tarot Card to Generate a "Underworld" Mission on the Fly as described in Designing Fantasy Missions as part of the Barony Set. (Underworld means it is focused on an Underworld.) No attempt is made here to define each of the finer points.

To begin, determine who the mission is offered to and call them the Party Leader (to accept / reject Mission).

Note: This mission is temporary. Copy it out now if you want it.

Mission Title:

Party Leader:

- (Inverted) 10 Coins: Innkeeper; players will normally spend much of their time in taverns ("until they strike it rich"). Often modestly successful adventurers will retire by opening inns ("rather than conquering land"). When asked by one of these former warriors to attempt a task, the players usually in respect will not refuse. Patron may also have access to information form numerous people who makes his Mission seem fool proof ("yet the players should know better"). Inverted, Harlot or Prostitute; an independent trollop or wench, who entertains herself and earns her living by selling sexual favors. Like Patron Lover of Player, one of the players may have been seduced into accepting a Mission. Like Barkeeps, these ladies often are very well informed on local intrigue and opportunities ("the sip of ale and growl of passion can reveal secrets that even the rack might fail to extract").
- Fool: Patron is indecisive (or simply a flake) and would rather have the mysterious forces of fate (or luck) decide most actions; he will be vague on details and often detrimental to the players' strategy. Though as is normally the case, this indecision (or failure to provide the players with all the details of their quest) will become apparent after the players accept and begin their challenge -- else why would they follow the orders of a fool? Inverted, Patron is grossly reckless or adventuresome; again, this will cause mishap that could have been avoided. Such a Patron often sends the players on a Mission, then boldly boasts of doing so - players lose surprise - or worse aggravates the Rival increasing his ire for those the Patron employs (like the players). Fool (inverted or not) picked at the start of the scenario generation is, in a word, bad; the sooner the players discover this flaw in their Patron, the safer they will be. If they enter the Climax without knowledge of their Patron's incompetence, they will most likely walk straight into a trap ("may the gods be with them then").
- (Inverted) Hanged Man: Patron is at risk for seeking out players for Mission. Inverted, Patron's role is transient; soon another will become the Patron (pick an extra card for identity of this later Patron, "PATRON??").

UnderWorld Mission:
- Queen Coins: Take a weapon or relic into the underworld to discover its origin and powers. Inverted, device will turn out to be corrupting and must be destroyed.
- (Inverted) Star: Sages and legends have predicted the events that will unfold on the Mission; players may not realize this at the time, but their actions are great in balance of destiny. Inverted, players will be told that their actions are destined and of great consequence, but the wise scholars are mistaken (deluded).

Obstacles (UW):
- (Inverted) 9 Coins: Mysterious Non-Humans. A clan of creatures that resemble men in their desires and attitudes, but they are not as prolific or adept at controlling the world. Inverted, Warlike Demi-Humans. Creatures that may have been once men, but now are brutish and without honor.
- (Inverted) Tower of Destruction: Horrifying non-living guardians protect the treasures; players should be warned to avoid greedy pilferage from crypts not related to their mission. If they enter simply to steal, like many before they face certain destruction.

- 9 Cups: Gain knowledge of future war or turmoil; capitalize on world political situation that is about to take place. Inverted, prevent such a war or catastrophe.

- 4 Coins: One of riches men in the world in coin and lands. Inverted, though rich, Patron refuses to spend any on certain items (Referee decides which items, but weapons are always a good choice -- "you won't see me buying an instrument of death; can't you do the job without resorting to arms"); player must tactfully or deceptively acquire such funding.

- 5 Cups: Fortune Teller or Soothsayer. Inverted, Leader Society of Watchers.
- Hierophant: Person has numerous allies in a religious sect. Inverted, among the worshipers of the One True God.


On the way to the Mission Climax, the Party will travel through three game Phases which may be short or long (depending on the Tarot cards drawn). These represent the obstacles and challenges along the way to the Ultimate Climax of the Mission.

(A) Initial Successes:

(B) Challenges on the Journey:

(C) Final Travel to the Climax:

Climax Flow:
Referee creates the flow of the climax OR refer to Designing Fantasy Missions!!!

Come on Back and maybe we'll have a generator in for you. Otherwise, use the Temple and Castles from our Legacy tools. (Hey, or buy the books!!!!!)


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